Shipping statistics

We’re collecting shipping statistics from people who received the units. Please participate and help informing other people. See Shipping & distributor updates post.

Do not post your order number or headset serial number anywhere!


Take the results with a grain of salt, please, some people seem to provide false data.

When you have received your unit, please fill in the form below.

The graphs are much more readable on a dedicated page here.

Shipping report form

Results take while to update. Don’t panic if you’ve submitted a report and it is not visible.

The form is handled solely by Google. We aren’t provided any other data than what you fill in the form. The Google login requirement is there only to prevent people from spamming and does not go through this website at all. The form is in an iframe, so it’s completely cut off.

If you don’t want to fill the form here for any reason, you can also submit the form directly on the Google domain using this link.